
Almost anyone’s life can be enhanced by teaming up with a Professional Organizer!

It is my pleasure to work with people of all ages, in nearly all circumstances. I love to help people with a wide range of organizing challenges, from spaces that are essentially under control, but have specific areas of disorder, to those that are continually and obviously overwhelming. The goal will always be to seek organizing solutions that suit your unique circumstances.

My clients are wonderful, smart, and creative, and see their lives improving because they hired ORGANIZING, ETC. They include people like you, who:

  • Buy things you know you have because you just don't know where they are
  • Have inherited or are storing the treasures of a loved one
  • Don’t want to have guests because of the clutter
  • Feel bad or have been criticized for being unable to get things in order, for losing things, for being late (all the time!)
  • Have been told they are “hoarders,” irresponsible, or lazy
  • Have medical limitations
  • Have space limitations
  • Are overwhelmed by an exceptional life event or transition
  • Are overwhelmed by the balance of work and family, parents’ and childrens’ needs and things
  • Are overwhelmed by downsizing
  • Would like their next move to go more smoothly than past moves
  • Are getting ready to move and don’t know where to begin
  • Have already moved, and don’t know where to put anything
  • Have, or suspect they have, ADHD
  • Are overwhelmed by graduate school or professional responsibilities and need a more organized, less distracting backdrop
  • Can not go on a trip without forgetting crucial items
  • Want to run away every time the mail comes
  • Simply need an extra hand in a home office
  • Would simply be better off in a less rapid-paced world
If any of these resonate with you, ORGANIZING, ETC. can help!

Make an Appointment
You are invited to call 860-798-8575 for information or to make an appointment or fill out the form below.